
A simple guide to self referral MRI scans

Healthcare has evolved to provide more options and easier access to medical services. One advancement in the service at Prime Health is our self referral services.  This gives our patients the ability to book their own diagnostic imaging tests, such as MRI scans, without needing a referral from a healthcare professional.

In this post, we will guide you through the simple process of self-referring for an MRI scan.

What is an MRI scan?

MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a safe, non-invasive way to create detailed images of the inside of your body. Unlike X-rays or CT scans, MRIs use magnets and radio waves, eliminating exposure to radiation. This technology is crucial for diagnosing and assessing various health conditions.

The Benefits of Self-Referral

Self-referring for an MRI scan offers several advantages:

  • Quick Access: Reduce waiting times and get the diagnostic information you need sooner.
  • More Control: Actively manage your health by seeking necessary tests on your own.
  • No Doctor Referral Needed: Directly choose the tests you need for certain body parts.
  • Convenience: Schedule appointments at times and locations that work best for you.

Prime Health: Your Partner for Diagnostic Scans

Prime Health is a leading provider of private diagnostic scans in the UK, we are known for our patient-focused care and accessible services using the latest scanning technology.

How to Self-Refer for an MRI Scan at Prime Health

1. Select Your MRI Scan

Confirm the area you wish to be scanned is eligible under our self-referral service. Areas you can self-refer for an MRI scan include: elbows, knees, wrists, shoulders, hips and ankles

2. Fill Out The Self-Referral Form

Register for a patient account by completing our online form with your personal and medical information, which is essential for your appointment.

3. Find a Clinic

Use our website to find your closest Prime Health or Medical Imaging Partnership centre.

4. Book Your Appointment

Choose a date and time for your scan on our website, complete the payment, and receive your appointment confirmation.

5. Attend Your Appointment

Come to your scheduled appointment at the Prime Health clinic. Our clinical team will ensure you receive the appropriate scan for your symptoms.

Take Charge of Your Health

Self-refer for an MRI scan to bypass long waiting periods. Prime Health is committed to quality care and patient support, making us a trusted choice for self-referred MRI scans in the UK. Take control of your health

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Book A Private MRI Scan Without A Referral

If you don’t have a referral from a health professional, you can now easily self-refer for an MRI scan at Prime Health. We offer daily appointments, allowing you to choose a time and date that suits your convenience.